Destinations test
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
airline name |
weight KG |
length (inch) |
height (inch) |
width (inch) |
Delta | 23kg | 15 | 12 | 10 |
EasyJet | 23kg | 16 | 13 | 12 |
Ryanair | 15kg | 15 | 12 | 10 |
English | Japanese | Pronunciation |
Hello | こんにちは | Konnichiwa |
Thank you | ありがとう / ありがとうございます | Arigatou / Arigatou gozaimasu |
Please | お願いします | Onegaishimasu |
Excuse me / I'm sorry | すみません / ごめんなさい | Sumimasen / Gomen nasai |
Do you speak English? | 英語を話せますか? | Eigo wo hanasemasu ka? |
Where is...? | ...はどこですか? | ...wa doko desu ka? |
How much is this? | これはいくらですか? | Kore wa ikura desu ka? |
I don't understand | わかりません | Wakarimasen |
I need help | 助けが必要です | Tasuke ga hitsuyou desu |
Bathroom/Toilet | トイレ | Toire |
Kansai Word/ Phrase | Meaning in English | Example Sentence in Kansai-ben | English Translation |
あかん (akan) |
Can't do; no good; shouldn't | あかん、忘れた! (Akan, wasureta!) |
Oh no, I forgot! |
なんでやねん (nande yanen) |
Why on earth? | そんなことするなんでやねん。 (Sonna koto suru nande yanen?) |
Why on earth would you do that? |
ほんま (honma) |
Really; truly | ほんまにそれが好きなん? (Honma ni sore ga suki nan?) |
Do you really like that? |
おおきに (ookini) |
Thank you | おおきに、助かった。 (Ookini, tasukatta.) |
Thanks, you saved me. |
どない (donai) |
How; in what way | どないしてそうなった? (Donai shite sou natta?) |
How did it become like that? |
せや (seya) |
That's right; indeed | せや、そうやった。 (Seya, sou yatta.) |
That's right, it was like that. |
せやな (seya na) |
I agree; you're right | この店、安いせやな。 (Kono mise, yasui seya na.) |
This shop is cheap, isn't it? |
せやけど (seya kedo) |
But; however | せやけど、ちょっと考えさせて。 (Seya kedo, chotto kangaesasete.) |
I get that, but let me think. |
しゃあない (shaanai) |
Can't be helped; it's inevitable | こんなこともあるしゃあない。 (Konna koto mo aru shaanai.) |
These things happen; it can't be helped. |
わからん (wakaran) |
I don't know | これ、わからん。 (Kore, wakaran.) |
I don't know about this. |
ええ (ee) |
Good; yes | この映画、ええよ。 (Kono eiga, ee yo.) |
This movie is good. |
ばか (baka) |
Idiot; foolish | ばかやなあ。 (Baka yanaa.) |
You're such an idiot. |
なんぼ (nanbo) |
How much? | これ、なんぼや? (Kore, nanbo ya?) |
How much is this? |
とる (toru) |
To eat | 今晩、何とる? (Konban, nani toru?) |
What will you eat tonight? |
のる (noru) |
To drink | ビールのる? (Biiru noru?) |
Will you drink beer? |
ぼちぼち (bochibochi) |
Soon; gradually | ぼちぼち帰るわ。 (Bochibochi kaeru wa.) |
I'll be heading home soon. |
だめ (dame) |
No good; not allowed | そこに入るのはだめやで。 (Soko ni hairu no wa dame yade.) |
You can't go in there. |
-やで (-yade) |
Statement ending particle | それ、おいしいやで。 (Sore, oishii yade.) |
That's delicious, you know. |
English Phrase |
Meaning (in English) |
Japanese Translation |
Phonetic Pronunciation |
Is this handmade? | Asking if an item is crafted by hand | これは手作りですか? (Kore wa tezukuri desu ka?) |
Kore wa te-zoo-kuri des ka? |
How do I care for this? | Asking for cleaning or care instructions | この手入れ方法は? (Kono teire hōhō wa?) |
Kono tay-ire hō-hō wa? |
Do you have a larger/smaller quantity? | Asking for different sizes of products | もっと大きい/小さい量はありますか? (Motto ōkii/chiisai ryō wa arimasu ka?) |
Motto oh-kee/chee-sigh ryo wa ah-ree-mas ka? |
Can I get a sample? | Request to try a product before buying | サンプルをもらえますか? (Sanpuru o moraemasu ka?) |
San-puru o moh-rah-eh-mas ka? |
Is this locally made? | Asking if the product is made within the country or region | これは地元の製品ですか? (Kore wa jimoto no seihin desu ka?) |
Kore wa gee-moto no say-heen des ka? |
Can you recommend something? | Asking for a product recommendation | 何かおすすめはありますか? (Nanika osusume wa arimasu ka?) |
Na-ni-ka o-sue-sue-meh wa ah-ree-mas ka? |
Does this contain...? | Asking about specific ingredients or materials | これに...が含まれていますか? (Kore ni... ga fukumareteimasu ka?) |
Kore nee... ga foo-koo-ma-reh-teh-ee-mas ka? |
Do you offer a student/senior discount? | Asking for special discounts | 学生/シニア割引はありますか? (Gakusei/shinia waribiki wa arimasu ka?) |
Gah-koo-say/sheen-yah wah-ree-bee-kee wa ah-ree-mas ka? |
Can you match the price? | Asking if they can reduce the price to match another store | 価格を合わせてもらえますか? (Kakaku o awasete moraemasu ka?) |
Kah-kah-koo o ah-wah-se-teh moh-rah-eh-mas ka? |
How long is the sale? | Asking about the duration of a sale | セールはいつまでですか? (Sēru wa itsumade desu ka?) |
Say-roo wa ee-tsu-mah-deh des ka? |
Is layaway available? | Asking if you can pay in installments | 分割払いは可能ですか? (Bunkatsu barai wa kanō desu ka?) |
Bunkatsu bah-rai wa kah-noh des ka? |
Is this product ethically made/sourced? | Asking about the ethics of production | この製品は倫理的に作られていますか? (Kono seihin wa rinriteki ni tsukurareteimasu ka?) |
Kono say-heen wa rin-ri-teh-kee nee tsu-koo-rah-reh-teh-ee-mas ka? |
Do you offer free alterations? | Asking if they modify clothes for free | 無料での修正は行っていますか? (Muryō de no shūsei wa okonatteimasu ka?) |
Moo-ryo deh no shoo-say wa oh-koh-naht-teh-ee-mas ka? |
Can I pre-order this item? | Asking if you can order an item before its release | これを先行予約できますか? (Kore o senkō yoyaku dekimasu ka?) |
Kore o sen-koh yo-yah-koo deh-kee-mas ka? |
Do you do deliveries? | Asking if the store offers home delivery | 配達はしていますか? (Haitatsu wa shiteimasu ka?) |
Hai-tatsu wa shee-teh-ee-mas ka? |
What's the best-selling item here? | Asking about the most popular product | こちらのベストセラーは何ですか? (Kochira no besuto serā wa nan desu ka?) |
Koh-chee-rah no bes-toh seh-rah wa nan des ka? |
Do you have a map of the store? | Useful in larger department stores or malls | この店の地図はありますか? (Kono mise no chizu wa arimasu ka?) |
Kono mee-seh no chee-zoo wa ah-ree-mas ka? |
Do you offer gift cards? | Asking about available gift cards | ギフトカードはありますか? (Gifuto kādo wa arimasu ka?) |
Gee-fu-toh kah-do wa ah-ree-mas ka? |
When will you restock? | If an item you want is out of stock | いつ再入荷しますか? (Itsu sai-nyūka shimasu ka?) |
Ee-tsu sigh-nyoo-kah shee-mas ka? |
Can I set up a registry here? | For weddings or baby showers | こちらで登録は可能ですか? (Kochira de tōroku wa kanō desu ka?) |
Koh-chee-rah deh toh-roh-koo wa kah-noh des ka? |
Is there a waiting list for this item? | Asking if you can be alerted when an item is back in stock | この商品の待ちリストはありますか? (Kono shōhin no machi risuto wa arimasu ka?) |
Kono shoh-heen no mah-chee ris-toh wa ah-ree-mas ka? |
Can I custom order this item? | Asking for a product tailored to your preference | この商品をカスタムオーダーできますか? (Kono shōhin o kasutamu ōdā dekimasu ka?) |
Kono shoh-heen o kah-su-tah-mu oh-dah deh-kee-mas ka? |
Is there parking available? | Inquiring about parking facilities | 駐車場はありますか? (Chūshajō wa arimasu ka?) |
Choo-shah-joh wa ah-ree-mas ka? |
Where is the nearest ATM? | Looking for an automated teller machine | 最寄りのATMはどこですか? (Moyori no ATM wa doko desu ka?) |
Moyori no ATM wa doh-ko des ka? |
Do you sell gift boxes/bags? | Inquiring about gift packaging options | ギフトボックス/バッグは売っていますか? (Gifuto bokkusu/baggu wa utteimasu ka?) |
Gee-fu-toh bokk-su/bah-gu wa oo-teh-ee-mas ka? |
Is this item refundable? | Asking about the return policy | この商品は返品可能ですか? (Kono shōhin wa henpin kanō desu ka?) |
Kono shoh-heen wa hen-pin kah-noh des ka? |
Can I get a receipt? | Asking for a purchase receipt | レシートをもらえますか? (Reshīto o moraemasu ka?) |
Re-shee-toh o moh-rah-eh-mas ka? |
Is this the latest model/version? | Inquiring about the newest iteration of a product | これは最新モデル/バージョンですか? (Kore wa saishin moderu/bājon desu ka?) |
Kore wa sigh-shin mo-dell/bah-jon des ka? |
Do you have any discounts/coupons? | Asking about available promotions | 割引/クーポンはありますか? (Waribiki/kūpon wa arimasu ka?) |
Wah-ree-bee-kee/koo-pon wa ah-ree-mas ka? |
When does the store close? | Asking about closing time | この店は何時に閉まりますか? (Kono mise wa nan-ji ni shimarimasu ka?) |
Kono mee-seh wa nan-jee nee shee-mah-ree-mas ka? |
How much is this without tax? | Inquiring about the price before tax | これは税抜きでいくらですか? (Kore wa zeinuki de ikura desu ka?) |
Kore wa zay-noo-kee deh ee-koo-rah des ka? |
English | Japanese Romaji |
Phonetic Pronunciation |
Japanese |
Hello/Good afternoon | Konnichiwa | ko-nnichi-wa | こんにちは |
Good evening | Konbanwa | kon-ban-wa | こんばんは |
Good morning | Ohayou gozaimasu | o-ha-yo go-zai-mas | おはようございます |
Thank you | Arigatou | a-ri-ga-tou | ありがとう |
Thank you (more polite) | Arigatou gozaimasu | a-ri-ga-tou go-zai-mas | ありがとうございます |
Excuse me / I'm sorry / Thank you | Sumimasen | soo-mi-ma-sen | すみません |
Yes | Hai | hai | はい |
No | Iie | ii-e | いいえ |
Where is the bathroom? | Toire wa doko desu ka? | to-i-re wa do-ko des-ka? | トイレはどこですか? |
How much is [something]? | [Something] wa ikura desu ka? | [Something] wa i-ku-ra des-ka? | [Something] はいくらですか? |
I don't understand | Wakarimasen | wa-ka-ri-ma-sen | わかりません |
Do you speak English? | Eigo o hanasemasu ka? | ei-go o hana-se-mas-ka? | 英語を話せますか? |
Water | Mizu | mi-zu | 水 |
Can I have the menu? | Menyuu o kudasai | men-yuu o koo-da-sai | メニューをください |
Beer | Biiru | bee-ru | ビール |
My name is [Your Name] | Namae wa [Your Name] desu | na-mae wa [Your Name] des | 名前は [Your Name] です |
What is the Wi-Fi password? | Musen LAN no pasuwādo wa nan desu ka? | moo-sen LAN no pa-su-wa-do wa nan des-ka? | 無線LANのパスワードは何ですか? |
Please call a taxi | Takushii o yonde kudasai | ta-koo-shii o yon-de koo-da-sai | タクシーを呼んでください |
I'll take this | Kore o kudasai | ko-re o koo-da-sai | これをください |
I want to go to [place] | [Place] ni ikitai | [Place] ni i-ki-tai | [Place] に行きたい |
Goodbye | Sayounara | sa-yo-u-na-ra | さようなら |
Month | Sun (hrs) | Min Temp (°C) | Max Temp (°C) | Humidity (%) | Rain (mm) | UV Index |
January | 6 | 0 | 10 | 45 | 50 | Low |
February | 6 | 0 | 10 | 45 | 60 | Low |
March | 6 | 4 | 13 | 50 | 100 | Moderate |
April | 6 | 10 | 18 | 55 | 125 | Mod to High |
May | 6 | 15 | 23 | 65 | 140 | High |
June | 4 | 18 | 25 | 75 | 180 | High |
July | 6 | 21 | 29 | 80 | 155 | Very High |
August | 6 | 23 | 31 | 80 | 150 | Very High |
September | 5 | 19 | 27 | 75 | 210 | High |
October | 5 | 14 | 21 | 65 | 160 | Moderate |
November | 5 | 8 | 16 | 60 | 95 | Low to Mod |
December | 5 | 3 | 12 | 55 | 50 | Low |